Friday, 2 March 2012

Due in 8.3.12 - WeMedia work

You need to finish and embed your "movie" on Jenkins, Wesch and Gauntlett. We'll watch them in the first lesson on Thursday. Prize will go to the best one.
Here's Yasmin's and Manan's (doesn't have to be about the music industry BTW):

Terrorz - Yasmin and Manan - Gauntlett and Wesch Video:
by: yasminamey22

You also need to continue with your reading and watching.
Next Thursday, I will need to see the notes you have been making on the Media Mag articles. I assume you keep them in your files since they're not on your blogs. You will be discussing your findings in class so make sure you have the main points down.

David, we are also waiting to see your Research which should have been ready for last Thursday...

Finally, check this out (Devki and Shreyaa will briefly talk to us about it next week):
Guardian Online New Open Journalism Page

Three Little Pigs Guardian advert:

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